How We Can Help:
HSP specializes in diving into the numbers – and more importantly, the metrics behind the numbers – to find real meaning, value, insight, and learning opportunity. It is why Hunden is putting together these daily country and state statistics updates on COVID-19: not just total counts (which are meaningless without context), but metrics showing true context. For example, the few cases in Luxembourg and Iceland seem minimal unless you understand that they have the highest infection rates per capita in the world. Vermont seems like a safe, remote place until you realize they have the highest fatality rate of those infected. Metrics matter and HSP is dedicated to providing whatever data we can to help you understand the real meaning of the numbers. This will include items relevant to real estate as well. But for now, we are focused on the health metrics per country and per state so we can learn as we move through the crisis.
Check back daily for new insights.
COVID-19 Posts & Stats
COVID-19 Post for August 18th – Downtown Minneapolis EconomyAugust 18, 2020/0 Comments