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The Johnson City Development Authority met with real-estate development advisory practice Hunden Partners' Executive Vice President, Steve Haemmerle, to discuss the redevelopment possibilities of the John Sevier.

JCDA Discusses the Redevelopment Possibilities of John Sevier Hotel

The Johnson City Development Authority recently met with Hunden Partners, a Chicago-based real estate advisory service specializing in market feasibility studies, during its regular board meeting at the Memorial Park Community Center. After meeting with Steve Haemmerle, Executive Vice President at Hunden Partners, the JCDA is one step closer to determining the “highest and best use” of the historic John Sevier Hotel.

Hunden has previously worked with the city on assessing facilities at Freedom Hall. Now, the practice will conduct a long-term, two-phase market assessment on the JCDA-owned downtown John Sevier building to better define what, exactly, is possible for the space.

Johnson City Press May 1, 2024 Read More…