Scoring Big with Sports Tourism

Scoring Big with Sports Tourism

Led by President & CEO Rob Hunden, Hunden Partners is at the forefront of driving economic growth through sports tourism. We specialize in the strategic development of sports complexes and their surrounding ecosystems, transforming communities into vibrant, economically thriving centers. Over the past decade, sports tourism has seen unprecedented growth, particularly in the realm of youth sports complexes. At Hunden Partners, we recognize that merely building a sports facility is not enough. Our approach focuses on creating comprehensive, walkable destination districts that include shopping, dining, hotels, offices, and housing. These amenities ensure that the economic benefits of sports tourism stay within the community, enhancing local businesses and generating significant tax revenue. We believe in the power of placemaking. By developing destinations around sports complexes, we help communities capture the full economic potential of sports tourism.

Sports Destination Management May 14, 2024